Dave Chappelle & Chris Rock
12. SEPTEMBER 2022
Comedy-legenderne Dave Chappelle og Chris Rock annoncerer et ikonisk dobbelt headliner show i Royal Arena i København den 12. september 2022. Billetsalget starter på onsdag 3. august kl. 10.00 via livenation.dk.
Dave Chappelle, der er anerkendt som en af de største komikere gennem tiderne, blev i 2019 tildelt den prestigefyldte Mark Twain-pris for amerikansk humor fra John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Art. Chappelles arbejde med stand-up comedy, at skrive og producere, samt skuespil har skaffet ham mere end 30 nomineringer og priser inden for tv og film for projekter, der inkluderer hans banebrydende sketch-comedy-tv-serie, Chappelle's Show, gæsteoptrædener på Saturday Night Live og hans comedy specials, der senest gav ham den femte Emmy-Award i 2021.
Chris Rock er rost af både ligemænd og kritikere og er en af vores generations stærkeste comedy stemmer. Med en karriere, der strækker sig over mere end tre årtier, har Rock haft vedvarende succes i både film og tv som komiker, skuespiller, forfatter, producer og instruktør. Rock afsluttede for nylig produktionen på den kommende Higher Ground-producerede biopic, "Rustin" og David O'Russells unavngivne-film. Han skal også instruere et endnu ikke navngivet Chris Rock-projekt i 2023.
OBS: Dette er et mobilfrit show!
Bemærk helt særlige forudsætninger for dette show.
Dette show bliver en telefonfri oplevelse. Mobiltelefoner, Smart-ure og tilbehør, må ikke benyttes i salen under showet. Ved ankomst vil alle mobiltelefoner og Smart-ure blive anbragt i ´Yondr´ klikposer, der vil blive låst op i slutningen af showet. Du beholder din klikpose ved dig hele aftenen, og om nødvendigt kan du få adgang til indholdet på udpegede Yondr-oplåsningsstationer i foyerområdet. Alle gæster opfordres til at udskrive deres billetter på forhånd for at sikre en jævn indgangsproces. Enhver, der ses bruge en enhed (telefon, smartur eller tilbehør) under showet, vil blive eskorteret ud fra spillestedet af sikkerhedspersonalet. Vi værdsætter dit samarbejde for at skabe en telefonfri showoplevelse. (www.overyondr.com).
Billetpriser: PL1 845,- / PL2 745,- / PL3 670,- / PL4 600,- / PL5 485 kr. + gebyr.
Billetsalget starter onsdag 3. august kl. 10.00 via livenation.dk og ticketmaster.dk
Live Nation presale starter mandag 1. august kl. 10:00 (47 timer) for Live Nation nyhedsbrevsmodtagere og på livenation.dk
Dave Chappelle is an American comedian, screenwriter, television and film producer, and actor. Recognized as one of the greatest comedians of all time, Chappelle was awarded the prestigious Mark Twain Prize for American Humor from the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in 2019. Chappelle’s work in stand-up comedy, writing, producing, and acting has earned him more than 30 nominations and awards in television and film for projects that include his groundbreaking sketch comedy television series, Chappelle’s Show, guest appearances on Saturday Night Live, and his comedy specials, most recently earning his fifth Emmy Awards in 2021. In audio content, Chappelle has won the Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album three years in a row, 2018 through 2020. In 2017, Netflix cited Dave Chappelle: Collection 1 as the most-viewed comedy special ever on their network.
Lauded by peers and critics alike, Chris Rock is one of our generation’s strongest comedic voices. With a career spanning more than three decades, Rock has enjoyed ongoing success in both film and television as a comedian, actor, writer, producer and director.Rock recently wrapped production on the upcoming Higher Ground produced biopic, “Rustin ” and David O’Russell’s Untitled film. He is also set to direct an Untitled Chris Rock project in 2023.In 2021 Rock starred as Loy Cannon in season 4 of FX’s Emmy-winning drama series “Fargo.” He also teamed up with Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures in the reimagining of the newest Saw franchise movie, “Spiral,” in which he produced and starred in. His most recent standup special, “Total Blackout: The Tamborine Extended Cut,” is currently streaming on Netflix.In 2014 he led the ensemble cast of “Top Five,” a critically acclaimed comedy feature that he also wrote and directed. In 2009 Rock ventured into the documentary world as a writer and producer of “Good Hair,” and in 2014 he executive produced “Eat Drink Laugh: The Story of the Comic Strip,” a documentary recounting the history of one of New York’s most famous comedy venues. His feature acting credits include The Week Of, the Grown Ups and Madagascar franchises, 2 Days in New York, Death at a Funeral, Nurse Betty, Dogma, the hip-hop comedy CB4, and New Jack City. His television work includes serving as a cast member on “Saturday Night Live” from 1989 – 1993 and as executive producer, writer and narrator for the series “Everybody Hates Chris.” The series ran from 2005 – 2009 and is still one of the highest rated syndicated shows in the world.In 2011, Rock made his Broadway debut starring in Stephen Adly Guirgis’s The Motherf**ker With The Hat. Rock has won four Emmy Awards, three Grammy Awards, and is a New York Times Best-Selling Author. In addition, he received two nominations for the 2016 Emmy Awards, for Outstanding Director for a Variety Special for “Amy Schumer: Live at the Apollo,” and Outstanding Special Class Program for the 88th Annual Academy Awards.